Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thank You from Theresa Caputo or LoRayne Snyder?

 This has been quite a day of heart stopping beliefs for me. In my 61 years I have never found something that I feel has touched my heart so much. It didn't even all come to me until this morning.

Although, the thank you note was from Theresa Caputo (the Long Island Medium)....I believe now it was actually from Tom's Mother-- LoRayne Snyder.

 I say the rosary a lot but when we received word that LoRayne definitely was ready to leave us I lit a candle and for many many days prayed the rosary for her crossing to be peaceful and loving as she deserved. I let the candle burn all day, every day until after her funeral. I spoke to her in my mind as if I was sitting next to her. I stayed to myself wanting my prayers for her to be heard.

 LoRayne was a lady who liked the rosary, also. I never knew her very well as I came into her life only 15 yrs ago and she was starting to fail then. I could tell though that she loved her family unconditionally and would do anything for them. She'd suffered heartache in her life but always maintained a smile for everyone. Her kindness shined from her beautiful and honest smile. She was a very giving lady.

 She was a proper lady, who always thanked people with a hand written thank you card whenever they had done something for her or her family. I told Tom at first I thought the thank you card had some meaning from his mom for him. I now really believe she was using Theresa as a messenger to get a thank you to me.....and that brings me to tears.

 Everyone knows my favorite spiritual person has always been Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, even giving my daughter a second middle name of Thérèse.

 Nothing arrives in the mail from New York in 3 days. I have mailed things to my sister who lives there and she has sent me cards etc ...and it just doesn't happen. It was mailed on Sept 3 (day of LoRayne's death) , it arrived Sept 6 (day of LoRayne's service).

 I showed Tom the envelope and it only says Mary Snyder on the address even though the written thank you is addressed to Tom and Mary. I think LoRayne was saying "MARY!!! MARY!!! This one's for you! I know there are many non believers and that's your decision, but no one can take away the overwhelming love and peace I've found today from a thank you card from Heaven.

 I sent the Rainbow Chasers to Theresa so many months ago that I had actually forgotten about them. I figured she had staff that went through her mail and maybe the rules were to give gifts away to others instead of keeping anything. When I got the mail and read it at first I presumed my sister Joan must've given a friend one of those I had sent her and they sent a thank you note....THEN I turned the envelope over and seen the address and the light came on.

Take it for however you want to believe...Mailed on the 3rd, arrived on the 6th...if it would've come from anyone but Theresa Caputo I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought. Think about it....The gifts were sent MONTHS!!!! ago and she selected Sept 3rd to mail the thank you note.

Theresa Caputo is a messenger to many and although, we'd all like to meet her and have a reading .. we know that isn't going to happen. I feel so very blessed and happy that the good Lord chose her to get me a message.

 ALWAYS, keep your heart open to the signs around you and you will never doubt there is a God...a good God.

With a hug, Mary

 Included are pictures of LoRayne's obituary from service and Theresa's thank you.

some of the special signs I see

 1. Theresa Caputo the Long Island Medium sent it. She is a messenger to many people from those who have died.

 2. mailed Sept 3 (day LoRayne died)

 3. arrived Sept 6 (day of LoRayne's service)

 4. St Therese is my favorite spiritual person. Theresa Caputo was person who sent card.

 5. The envelope was addressed to only Mary

. 6.. just a little nice surprise was that birds were on LoRayne's obituary and I love birds.

The candle I burned for LoRayne

I had also sent Tom a text about receiving the thank you which he never got...  That probably was because LoRayne wanted me to know it wasn't for him but for me...  Here are pictures of the text that I sent which also show the date.


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